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Re: Looking for an alternative to fieldset / legend


From: Sailesh Panchang
Date: Dec 4, 2011 8:21PM

Well aria-describedby works alright as a replacement. Set an id for
the common label text that one would markup as a legend (if
fieldset/legend were used). Then use aria-describedby within every
related form control (which would have its own explicit label or title
attribute) that points to the id-value for legend-text.
But this will not create the border etc. that fieldset creates by
default which is an accessibility aid for some users to identify
related fields as a group.
Sailesh Panchang
On 12/4/11, Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 7:56 AM, E.J. Zufelt < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
>> This, however, is not a dsirable solution, as browsers have never styled
>> these elements consistently or in any way that makes one not want to throw
>> up. Using a CSS reset is an options, but from what I know there are no
>> fieldset / legend resets that work well cross browser.
> What's Drupal's browser support policy?
> Is there an example of a design that the Drupal guys think cannot be
> styled using fieldset/legend?
> IIRC I used to get pretty good results by just throwing a span round
> the inner content of the legend element, and styling that.
> --
> Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis