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Question on eyetracking and screenreader


From: Björn Fisseler
Date: Dec 5, 2011 12:48PM

Dear list,

last week I attended a conferece and listened to a presentation on using
eyetracking for usability evaluation, creating heat maps and similar
data on what the user looks at. Now I thought about if there is
something similar available for people who use a screenreader. Is it
possible to track and trace what a screenreader user reads and where
he/she navigates to? Does it make sense from your point of view? I could
think about usability evaluations where you track what the people
navigate to, how they explore a website they don't know yet. It would be
interesting to do this otherwise than using methods like think-aloud.



Björn Fisseler
Technische Universität Dortmund
Fakultät Rehabilitationswissenschaften
Emil-Figge-Str. 50, R. 4.452, 44227 Dortmund
Fon: +49 231 755 7200, Fax: +49 231 755 7162
Skype: bfisseler
http://www.reha-technologie.de | http://www.projekt-eloq.de
http://www.abi-projekt.de | http://www.wob11.de