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Re: Keyboard Users and What They Use
From: Andrews, David B (DEED)
Date: Jan 17, 2012 2:18PM
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- Next message in Thread: Ryan Hemphill: "Re: Keyboard Users and What They Use"
- Previous message in Thread: Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis: "Re: Keyboard Users and What They Use"
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I am a blind computer user, and primarily use JAWS. I use the arrow keys a lot to explore new web pages. This way I can see what is on the page, how it is constructed and laid out etc.
At least with JAWS, the space bar will activate some kinds of controls, while the enter key works best for others.
- Next message: Andrews, David B (DEED): "Re: "Request For Information": IT Accessibility-related services"
- Previous message: Bourne, Sarah (ITD): "Re: "Request For Information": IT Accessibility-related services"
- Next message in Thread: Ryan Hemphill: "Re: Keyboard Users and What They Use"
- Previous message in Thread: Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis: "Re: Keyboard Users and What They Use"
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