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Keyboard Users and What They Use-Thanks!
From: LSnider
Date: Jan 19, 2012 1:27PM
- Next message: Nancy Johnson: "Tabindexing question"
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Hi Everyone,
Thanks so much for all your great information and links. I know it is hard
to say 'most people do this', so it is good to hear about the variation!
Thanks again.
On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 6:56 AM, Bourne, Sarah (ITD) <
<EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Lisa,
> For people who don't use a mouse, but also don't use a screen reader or
> other AT, the keyboard commands differ by the OS and programs you are using.
> For web browsing in Firefox and IE, tab takes you through links and form
> fields. Space or Page Down scrolls through (but doesn't change focus.)
> Up/Down arrows scroll one line at a time. Firefox has an option that lets
> you use arrow keys to navigate within the pages. Opera uses slightly
> different keyboard shortcuts. For instance, tab only works on form fields.
> Keyboard-only users rely on the program's documentation for more advanced
> features. For instance, here is Firefox's:
> http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/Keyboard%20shortcuts and Opera's:
> http://help.opera.com/Windows/11.60/en/keyboard.html
> sb
> Sarah E. Bourne
> Director of Assistive Technology &
> Mass.Gov Chief Technology Strategist
> Information Technology Division
> Commonwealth of Massachusetts
> 1 Ashburton Pl. rm 1601 Boston MA 02108
> 617-626-4502
> http://www.mass.gov/itd
- Next message: Nancy Johnson: "Tabindexing question"
- Previous message: Bryan Garaventa: "Re: Interesting effect with CSS"
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- Previous message in Thread: Bourne, Sarah (ITD): "Re: Keyboard Users and What They Use"
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