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Re: JAWS reading "slash" instead of alt text
From: Priti
Date: Feb 3, 2012 2:21AM
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Hi Karen,
Are you using JAWS 12? If yes, it will read the image as "/" instead of the
image alt when read using the Down Arrow key. It seems to be a bug as JAWS
12 reads the image alt correctly when accessed using the quick nav key "G"
or by pressing "Ctrl + Up/Down" to navigate between paragraphs.
Would be interesting to know how JAWS 13 reads image alts in Word 2010
documents. Have not tried, would love to hear from any one else has tried
the same on the list.
Ryan this happens even if the alt is specified in the description field.
Hope this helps...
Thanks & Regards,
Priti Rohra
Accessibility Consultant
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/pritirohra
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- Previous message in Thread: Ryan E. Benson: "Re: JAWS reading "slash" instead of alt text"
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