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Re: Max amount of h1 tags


From: Steve Flaukner
Date: Feb 8, 2012 10:24AM

I buy that. In my case its the miss-use of headers or lack of. Thank you
for the input.
On Feb 8, 2012 12:22 PM, "Birkir R. Gunnarsson" < <EMAIL REMOVED> >

> As a user I think it would not be wise to specify a maximum number of
> h1s on a page.
> In many cases a web page has one main content (article, news story
> etc), for that a single h1 is appropriate (barring that, an ARIA main
> tag before the story).
> But not web pages are built around a single item of information.
> I just reviewed a web page that displays the program of 3 channels of
> a radio station.
> Each of these is marked up with an h1 with the name of the channel,
> followed by the program for that particular channel.
> In this case 3 h1s seems to me, like the most logical solution, as you
> do not know what channel the user is interested in, and they are
> equally important.
> Neither does there seem to be an item on the page thatis more
> important than these 3 sections, so making that an h1 and the sections
> an h2 does not really make sense either.
> I've seen quite a few pages that start with an h1 at the top stating
> the name of the website or some such. That, in my opinion, is a
> complete waste of the h1 tag, at least as far as A.T. is concerned.
> I think careful evaluation of the individual web page and consistency
> between sub pages of a website are the most important accessibility
> concerns as far as heading structure is concerned, not the number of
> headings of a certain level.
> Cheers
> -B
> On 2/8/12, Steve Flaukner < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> > OK on FAE. I came across a page that has 8 h1's. FAE kicked back but
> could
> > find nothing in WCAG.
> > On Feb 8, 2012 12:07 PM, "Jared Smith" < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> >
> >> On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 10:00 AM, Steve Flaukner wrote:
> >> > I should of typed FAE.
> >>
> >> You should be very careful with many of the recommendations of FAE.
> >> They often have little to do with guidelines and more to do with
> >> personal interpretations and opinions. This is one of many case where
> >> the tool is suggesting a failure or issue where there isn't one.
> >>
> >> Having one <h1> at the beginning of the main content is usually a good
> >> idea for most pages, but it certainly is not a conformance failure to
> >> do otherwise.
> >>
> >> Jared
> >>