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Re: tagging PDF's


From: Bevi Chagnon
Date: Mar 22, 2012 7:39AM

Karen wrote: "While it is preferable to have both the Tags Panel and the
Order Panel match up, adaptive technology reads through the Tags Tree so
making sure it is correct is the goal."

I've come across some AT (other than screen readers) that do use the PDF's
Reading Order but I can't recall which ones off the top of my head.

Keep in mind that Acrobat's Reflow utility is one that follows the Reading
Order, sort of. Reflow doesn't follow Reading Order precisely, but there is
a definite correlation for most of the items on a PDF's page. I've learned
that Reflow is being taught to low-vision users so that they can more easily
enlarge text and navigate through a multi-column PDF.

Dana, in InDesign, you can control the PDF's RO through the Articles and
Layers panels. The sequence in the Articles panel is top down, that is the
top most item will be read first in the PDF's RO. In the Layers panel, it's
the opposite: the bottom most item will be read first in the PDF's RO.

So put the 2 panels side-by-side on your monitor and try to get them to
match up, top down and bottom up. It won't be perfect because the Layers
panel will have more items in it than the Articles panel, but get as close
as you can.

One suggestion: minimize the number of layers used in InDesign to make it
easier to rearrange the order of layout items. INDD is not Photoshop and
most layouts don't need layers to create the visual design, but many
designers have gotten into the habit of using them unnecessarily.

- Bevi Chagnon

PS: The latest issue of InDesign Magazine has my article about making
accessible PDFs from InDesign layouts. http://indesignmag.com/ It's not my
full 3-day class, but it does cover the basics and should help you on this

Bevi Chagnon | <EMAIL REMOVED>
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