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Screen Readers and VMWare or VirtualBox
From: Giovanni Duarte
Date: Mar 22, 2012 2:48PM
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I have tested VirtualBox to setup a Virtual Machine using JAWS 12 and 13. I
have a student who will need to do these steps:
1. Setup machine for Linux (Fedora), Windows 2008 Server, and Windows 7.
2. Go through the installation process and setup environment
3. Do extra steps to setup a network, active directory, etc.
The student is taking a networking class and I was wondering how he will be
able to actually do steps 2 and 3. Based on my testing, he should be able
to setup the machines in VirtualBox without problems. However, JAWS couldn't
"read" anything after the machine boot up and went through the installation
process. Can a visually impaired student do this? What can I do for the
student so this process is better for him?
How can he read the virtual machines (Windows 2008, 7 and Linux)? Does he
has to have installed a screen reader (nvda, orca) in these machines
Sorry for all these questions...
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