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spry widgets and accessibility?
From: Carin Headrick
Date: Jul 30, 2012 3:38AM
- Next message: Steve Green: "Re: WAI ARIA help.. select boxes that are populated via AJAX"
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- Next message in Thread: Scott González: "Re: spry widgets and accessibility?"
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Hi. I was asked by someone whether spry widgets were accessible by
screen reader and/or keyboard. Through playing with
http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/spry/widgets/widgets.html I have to
say personally I had mixed results. Some of them worked like a dream,
some of them were wonky. Some of them I couldn't tell if any change
So how can I tell them conclusively what works and what doesn't? The
keyboard stuff looks pretty straightforward. It's the screen reader part
that has the potential to fall over. And...is it possible to some how
integrate ARIA in there to make things better? Or do they not get along?
- Next message: Steve Green: "Re: WAI ARIA help.. select boxes that are populated via AJAX"
- Previous message: Michelangelo Iaffaldano: "Squarespace"
- Next message in Thread: Scott González: "Re: spry widgets and accessibility?"
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