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Accessible Image Gallery
From: Sarah Ward
Date: Aug 4, 2012 12:32PM
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Hi Everyone,
I'm currently working on designing an accessible image gallery and would like the screen seader to announce when the new image is displayed to the user by reading out the alt text (without moving focus to the image itself). I haven't so far found many good examples of image galleries so would appreciate some help.
I thought this would be possible by adding an aria-live attribute to the container element, and as the image was removed and replaced by a new one, the screen reader would announce the new image's alt text. This seems to work as I would like in VoiceOver, but in NVDA and JAWS (and potentially others) it does not announce anything.
Is there something in the spec that we have missed that indicates aria-live should only work with text nodes?
Sent from my iPad
- Next message: Bryan Garaventa: "Re: Accessible Image Gallery"
- Previous message: Stella Mudd: "Re: Reg focus management for web application screen/layout changes."
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