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understanding ARIA syntax


From: Angela French
Date: Aug 15, 2012 1:02PM

I am trying to learn about ARIA, though I haven't actually had any chance to implement it yet. While I generally understand the concepts, the syntax has me stymied. In particular the use of the <span> tag in ways I have never seen it used before, as shown below in the example of a progress bar widget:

<span><div id="percent-loaded" role</span>=<span>"progressbar" </span><span>aria-valuenow</span>=<span>"75" </span><span>aria-valuemin</span>=<span>"0" </span><span>aria-valuemax</span>=<span>"100"</span> />

Can someone please explain this use of the <span> tag or steer me towards a tutorial that deals with, or includes a discussion of syntax?

Thank you,

Angela French
Internet Specialist
State Board for Community and Technical Colleges