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Re: most recent version of Aria
From: Jukka K. Korpela
Date: Aug 16, 2012 1:52PM
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2012-08-16 22:41, Lucy Greco wrote:
> Could someone tell me where the most up to date version of the ARIA spec
> is. The document at
> http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/
> seems to be it but is dated January 2011 thanks Lucy
That address is meant to refer to the most recent version. Is there any
reason to suspect that there could be a problem with that now?
Currently, the latest version is indeed identified as dated January 2011:
The page http://www.w3.org/TR/ lists all W3C recommendations and drafts,
though I would normally expect the drafts themselves to be more
certainly up-to-date as regards to the latest version. Anyway, at
the information is the same regarding the WAI spec, more formally
"Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.0". But there is a
separate draft on the role attribute from July 2012 and a draft WAI UA
implementation guide from August 2012. They might be called (drafts for)
ARIA specs, too, but "the" ARIA spec (Candidate Recommendation) is from
Jan. 2011.
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- Next message in Thread: Steve Faulkner: "Re: most recent version of Aria"
- Previous message in Thread: Lucy Greco: "most recent version of Aria"
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