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Re: JAWS/NVDA ordered lists on IE 8 and 9
From: David Farough
Date: Aug 17, 2012 12:28PM
- Next message: John Foliot: "Re: JAWS/NVDA ordered lists on IE 8 and 9"
- Previous message: Léonie Watson: "Re: JAWS/NVDA ordered lists on IE 8 and 9"
- Next message in Thread: John Foliot: "Re: JAWS/NVDA ordered lists on IE 8 and 9"
- Previous message in Thread: Léonie Watson: "Re: JAWS/NVDA ordered lists on IE 8 and 9"
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I tried this using IE8 and Jaws 13 current version.
the list items read as A B C.
With NVDA using IE8 I got 1 2 3.
In firefox 14 NVDA read list as A B c.
I tried Jaws 11 with IE8 just in case you were using an earlier
version. Jaws read list as A B C
David Farough
Application Accessibility Coordinator/coordonateur de l'accessibilité
Information Technology Services Directorate /
Direction des services d'information technologiques
Public Service Commission / Commission de la fonction publique
Email / Courriel: <EMAIL REMOVED>
Tel. / Tél: (613) 992-2779
- Next message: John Foliot: "Re: JAWS/NVDA ordered lists on IE 8 and 9"
- Previous message: Léonie Watson: "Re: JAWS/NVDA ordered lists on IE 8 and 9"
- Next message in Thread: John Foliot: "Re: JAWS/NVDA ordered lists on IE 8 and 9"
- Previous message in Thread: Léonie Watson: "Re: JAWS/NVDA ordered lists on IE 8 and 9"
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