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From: Bourne, Sarah (ITD)
Date: Aug 21, 2012 3:25PM
- Next message: J. B-Vincent: "Re: Google calendar"
- Previous message: Bourne, Sarah (ITD): "Google calendar"
- Next message in Thread: Jared Smith: "Re: TD, TH, SCOPE"
- Previous message in Thread: Weissenberger, Todd M: "Re: TD, TH, SCOPE"
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I wonder if perhaps you and your developer have wandered too far into the semantic weeds. (This happens to me all the time.) While he may be right that it isn't a "header," it still is defining or describing what is in the cells across from it, so it's functioning as a header. If it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, I suggest treating it like a duck. Let' say that first column is "last name". If I'm 8 columns over, under the "annual salary" heading, I would want some indication of which row I'm on, and "last name" is probably as good as anything. (If it's not, then you may need to use the headers/id method.)
Sarah E. Bourne
Director of Assistive Technology &
Mass.Gov Chief Technology Strategist
Information Technology Division
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
1 Ashburton Pl. rm 1601 Boston MA 02108
- Next message: J. B-Vincent: "Re: Google calendar"
- Previous message: Bourne, Sarah (ITD): "Google calendar"
- Next message in Thread: Jared Smith: "Re: TD, TH, SCOPE"
- Previous message in Thread: Weissenberger, Todd M: "Re: TD, TH, SCOPE"
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