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Fwd: University of Montana students file complaint over inaccessible online courses
From: Lucy Greco
Date: Sep 18, 2012 5:49PM
- Next message: Lucy Greco: "Re: can someone recommend blind friendly elearning software or system"
- Previous message: Zdeňek Vopat: "Re: can someone recommend blind friendly elearning software or system"
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sorry i thought this message had hit the web aim list but it had not
to much mail and no time to see ware it comes from smile Lucy
University of Montana students file complaint over
inaccessible online courses http://bit.ly/Rlbah2 via @GAATES_GAN #a11y
the product named in this is an lms
Lucia Greco
Web Access Analyst
IST-Campus Technology Services
University of California, Berkeley
(510) 289-6008
- Next message: Lucy Greco: "Re: can someone recommend blind friendly elearning software or system"
- Previous message: Zdeňek Vopat: "Re: can someone recommend blind friendly elearning software or system"
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