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JW Player Controls v. 2 (JQuery version)


From: Marcelo Terreni
Date: Oct 4, 2012 12:56PM

Hi, I'm trying to build a JQuery version of the very impresive JW Player
Controls Version 2, maybe the best accesible web video player available.

I'll be using JQuery because we already use YUI and JQuery all through
our sites and a third framework would be too much. Besides I'm trying to
provide a better non-javascript/non-Flash suppport (that was easily
solved, I'll send a link when everything is up and running) and change
the controlbar's "toollbar" role (while adequate, it may make things a
bit more difficult unnecessarily for "keyboard / non screen reader" users).

As far as I'm concerned people at OSU WAC and Webhipster LTD. had to
modify the captions / audiodescription plugins to provide some
previously unavailable JWPlayer / JS API communication. I detected
they've created a couple of controls for that:


|but I wasn't able use them trough jwplayer(id).getPlugin("captions").
¿Any clue?


Marcelo Terreni

Educ.ar S.E.
Web: http://www.educ.ar
Ministerio de Educación
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA) - Argentina