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Re: Color Contrast for Inactive User Interface Components


From: GF Mueden
Date: Nov 27, 2012 7:47PM

David, as an elderly user, I like to rely on what I see. If is not
there to be used, take it out. I hate seeing the mess of a big
standard menu on every page. When I ask for something, I want to be
taken there, not to another page looking like the one I just left, and
being offered ten other places to go. I want to see only what I came
for. I can always hit Home and get them all. Having a link to the
site map at the top of every page would be great. Simple, uncluttered,
no unwanted menus moused over as I scroll down.

Emerson said something like Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.

Be of good cheer. ===gm=== (George)

On 11/27/2012 5:34 PM, David Ashleydale wrote:
> Thanks, Jared.
> Yes, we considered having the Previous link not appear at all if there are
> no previous pages, and I kind of actually prefer that most of the time. But
> it's an interface design decision. Some of the designers feel like it's
> beneficial to keep the control bar consistent, disabling the controls when
> they don't apply, instead of having them take turns disappearing and
> appearing under certain circumstances.
> David
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 2:23 PM, Jared Smith < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
>> I think that this would be a valid exception to the WCAG 2.0 contrast
>> requirements. As noted, contrast (or the lack thereof) is the most
>> common way of indicating disabled controls. While some level of
>> contrast would certainly be advisable, if it is a disabled control,
>> it's clearly exempted from the requirements.
>> A few additional thoughts:
>> - It seems it would be better to simply not present the link or text
>> at all. This would avoid all possible confusion. It's rare to see a
>> Previous/Next type link like this present at all if there is no
>> Previous/Next.
>> - The link should almost certainly NOT be a link at all, but simply
>> text. If it is marked up as a link, there is no easy way to indicate
>> that it is disabled to screen reader users. You could try adding
>> aria-disabled="true", but the last I checked, this provided no
>> functionality on links, only on form controls.
>> Jared Smith
>> WebAIM
>> >> >> >>
> > > >