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Re: Any recommendations for good Firebug/Fireeyes tutorial, especially from a screen reader perspective?


From: Patrick Burke
Date: Nov 29, 2012 3:01PM

I have little info beyond this, but here are a couple items:

Marco Zehe has an old (2009) but still useful-sounding article from
when they first got ARIA support into Firebug. He gives several
examples of how it can be used:

The documentation Marco links to has been moved. It's by Hans Hillen
of The Paciello Group, & has some outdated refernces (to Firefox 3!),
but otherwise is as essential as Marco claims.:

A couple other add-ons that I have links to (do they work with screen

Firefocus, tracks where focus will be on the page:

Ainspector helps with ... other stuff:

At 01:22 PM 11/29/2012, Tony Olivero wrote:
>Feel free to contact me off list. I've done some draft tutorials and I'm
>working on more.