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definition list or data table
From: Catherine Roy
Date: Dec 14, 2012 2:53PM
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A friend of mine wants to describe an image that explains the anatomy of
a tweet (similar to this one) :
He will be using a separate page for the description though I am not
sure yet whether he will be using longdesc or just adding a visible link
on the main page but regardless, the question is how to best
structurally represent this compex image, especially for screen reader
users, wherein we have code examples and explanations tied to the code
My first instinct would be to use a data table but thinking further on
it, I am not sure. Perhaps a definition list ? Or something else
altogether ?
Catherine Roy
- Next message: Jukka K. Korpela: "Re: bold vs. strong, italics vs. emphasis"
- Previous message: Jared Smith: "Re: bold vs. strong, italics vs. emphasis"
- Next message in Thread: Ryan E. Benson: "Re: definition list or data table"
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