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Re: definition list or data table
From: Ryan E. Benson
Date: Dec 15, 2012 1:31PM
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> But perhaps there are other solutions I am not aware of for these 2
> formats ? Guidance on this issue would be much appreciated.
That is correct, PDFs don't have a long description capability. For this I
would put an one-liner, to see a full description go to {www link/PDF
page}. Then since you can manipulate the reading order very easily, just go
through it lineally by the way of text then code. The two things I would
do differently is the vertical text and the text blurbs that are short, and
mark them up as figures. The reason for vertical text is probably
self-explanatory. The text may not be, I would tag some as figures is to
supply more context. For example "geo"=>nil depreciated. If that variable
is depreciated, why is it in a model? By tagging either the text as a
figure you can add alt text to say the variable is depreciated because
____. PDF tags in general can have alt text, but think it has various
Ryan E. Benson
On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Catherine Roy < <EMAIL REMOVED> >wrote:
> Thank you Ryan and John for your responses. Last question regarding this
> matter. The work my friend is doing about which I am inquiring will
> eventually be a book, in which there will be several complex images,
> that he wishes to make available in various formats (HTML, PDF, EPUB).
> He has asked how he can apply long descriptions to these other formats
> (PDF and EPUB).
> Although I have had good training on PDF accessibility, I would hardly
> call myself an expert and I have not done it in a while but if I recall
> correctly, PDF does not support long descriptions per se (although I did
> find this request : http://pdf.editme.com/pdfua-32000-longdesc but have
> no idea how old this is since there is no date - grrr).
> As for EPUB, I am only marginally familiar with this format but my
> research indicates that while there is no support at the moment for out
> of band descriptions, the aria-describedby attribute can be used to link
> an image to a description in the same file. Is this correct ?
> My friend will not go for having a long description on the same "page"
> so there is not point in suggesting that. The only thing I can think of
> is having an annexe at the end of the document where he could include
> all complex image descriptions and use whatever mecanism each format
> offers to link each image to its long description.
> But perhaps there are other solutions I am not aware of for these 2
> formats ? Guidance on this issue would be much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Catherine
> --
> Catherine Roy
> http://www.catherine-roy.net
> > > >
- Next message: Julius Charles Serrano: "Re: text content displayed vertically"
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- Previous message in Thread: Catherine Roy: "Re: definition list or data table"
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