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Examples of peripheral benefits of accessible design?


From: Sharron Rush
Date: Jan 8, 2013 11:08AM

Greetings all and Happy New Year!

I have made a resolution in 2013 to work hard to bring digital
accessibility out of the sidelines and into the mainstream of web and
application design and development. To that end, I volunteer for the
Education and Outreach Working Group of WAI at the W3C. We are in
the process of compiling examples of ways in which accessibility
considerations, made early in a project life cycle, can provide
additional benefits.

My one example is a utility company that we worked with. Their
commitment to accessibility for the previous 5 years really paid off
well for them when launching their mobile site. Many of the features
they implemented for accessibility made the pages and applications
more flexible and easier to render on mobile devices with much less
grief. But I bet there are good examples of SEO improvements from
accessible media and others that would be great advocacy messages.

Does anyone else have examples they can share? Please respond here
or write to the <http://www.w3.org/WAI/IG/>;WAI Interest Group or post
directly to the
at the W3C. Thanks in advance.


Sharron Rush | Executive Director | www.Knowbility.org | 512 305-0310
Equal access to technology for people with disabilities