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Re: 2 questions - describe the logo or just say it's the logo? aria role for contact info?
From: Srinivasu Chakravarthula
Date: Jan 20, 2013 8:17PM
- Next message: Birkir R. Gunnarsson: "Re: Accessibility and geographical maps"
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- Next message in Thread: Sandy: "Re: 2 questions - describe the logo or just say it's the logo? aria role for contact info?"
- Previous message in Thread: Robert Jaquiss: "Re: 2 questions - describe the logo or just say it's thelogo? aria role for contact info?"
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> I am new to this list, so this is the first thread I have commented on.
Welcome and glad to hear from you.
> As a blind user, I might find it useful to have a description of a logo on
> the Home and About pages, but an empty alt tag on other pages. In this way,
> the information about the logo is available, but doesn't have to be passed
> over all the time.
Providing empty alt attribute may be a violation. What if I land up directly onto a different page of the website? My take would be describe the logo in about page and provide company name as alt attribute for logo in all pages.
Makes sense?
http://srinivasu.org Twitter: @vasutweets
Sent from my iPad
- Next message: Birkir R. Gunnarsson: "Re: Accessibility and geographical maps"
- Previous message: COLLIER, Jason: "Accessibility and geographical maps"
- Next message in Thread: Sandy: "Re: 2 questions - describe the logo or just say it's the logo? aria role for contact info?"
- Previous message in Thread: Robert Jaquiss: "Re: 2 questions - describe the logo or just say it's thelogo? aria role for contact info?"
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