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Re: Fwd: Table captions using span and css class wb-invisible from the template


From: Detlev Fischer
Date: Feb 8, 2013 12:03PM

If the aim is to hide the caption for sighted users, you might consider using the table summary attribute instead: http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/H73.html
Not sure how widely supported summary is, however - the WCAG Technique at least does not mention limited support.
Cheers, Detlev

On 8 Feb 2013, at 19:21, David Farough wrote:

> Could anyone please provide answers to the following question?
> David Farough
> Application Accessibility Coordinator/coordonateur de l'accessibilité
> Information Technology Services Directorate /
> Direction des services d'information technologiques
> Public Service Commission / Commission de la fonction publique
> Email / Courriel: <EMAIL REMOVED>
> Tel. / Tél: (613) 992-2779
>>>> < <EMAIL REMOVED> > 08:23 AM Friday, February 08, 2013
> I am hoping you folks might be able to offer some guidance on this
> issue. Is there a reason that a table caption would not be read if it is
> within the span class? See the code below for an example. Currently a
> saved local versions using this example with the css style wb-invisible
> (which uses overflow:hidden in place of display:none) works, but live or
> staging versions navigate to the span but do not read the content.
> The table caption is encoded like this:
> <table>
> <caption>
> <span class="wb-invisible">Monthly gross domestic product by
> industry at basic prices in chained (2002) dollars &#8211; Seasonally
> adjusted</span>
> </caption>
> CSS:
> .wb-invisible, {
> clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
> height: 1px !important;
> margin: 0 !important;
> overflow: hidden !important;
> position: absolute;
> width: 1px !important;
> Thanks,
> Juli Rowsell
> Web Accessibility Officer
> Centre of Expertise on Accessibility
> Statistics Canada
> 100 Tunney's Pasture Driveway, Ottawa ON K1A 0T6
> Government of Canada
> Telephone 613-951-9831
> Agente d'accessibilité au web
> Centre d'expertise en accessibilité
> Statistique Canada
> 100, promenade Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa ON K1A 0T6
> Gouvernement du Canada
> Téléphone 613-951-9831
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> > > --
Detlev Fischer
testkreis - das Accessibility-Team von feld.wald.wiese
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