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Aria roles instead of headings?


From: Christian Biggins
Date: Mar 4, 2013 8:40PM

Hi All,

We use a 'skeleton' design for all our sites with some basic elements
marked up in a specific way to aide in quicker development. Its a little
tricky to move too many of these elements but changes can be made.

One problem is the markup of our search form. It usually sits above the
page title (h1) and has been marked up incorrectly with an h2 for the
search form title. But, because of its position, we can't move it down
under the h1, nor can we make it an h1, because its not.

My question is, is it acceptable to wrap the form with a div containing the
role 'search' or even give them 'form' tag the 'role' attribute of 'search'
rather than having a heading at all up there?

Any opinions, thoughts etc would be greatly appreciated.


Christian Biggins <http://about.me/cbiggins>;