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Announcement: HASTAC Scholars Online Forum on accessibility


From: Helquist, Melissa
Date: Mar 26, 2013 12:00PM

Hope this might be of interest to some folks on the list. . .

HASTAC Scholars Online Forum
Dis/Ability: Moving Beyond Access in the Academy


Often, accessibility is—as Jay Dolmage and John Slatin have argued—a retrofit or add on. That is, it is often not an integral part of our theoretical conversations, classroom spaces, and technologies. Converging at the intersections of disability theory, pedagogy, and media studies, this forum intends to harness both theoretical and praxical discussions. We are interested in sharing ideas about how disability theory can positively intersect with our larger understandings of accessibility and the potentiality of technologies and multimodality. We are interested in classroom practices—the practical strategies folks have developed for increasing accessibility and centralizing issues of dis/ability as both material condition and social construct. We are interested in the everyday ways that we—as scholars and researchers and teachers—take up (or don’t, for various personal or institutional reasons) the challenge of creating more accessible physical and digital spaces for learning, teaching, and researching.

We hope you’ll join us to explore the role of accessibility and disability in the academy, even if just in a one-comment capacity. The online forum is currently open on the HASTAC website (http://hastac.org/forums/disability-moving-beyond-access-academy). The Duke/MacArthur HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Collaborative) Scholars are a growing community of scholars in the humanities and technology. Anyone is welcome to join the forums, so please feel free to forward this announcement to any other interested people.

We will be joined by the following invited guest participants:

* Jay Dolmage: Department of English, University of Waterloo,
* Alan Foley: Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation (IDD&E), School of Education, Syracuse University
* Mara Mills: Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, NYU
* Cyndi Rowland: Center for Persons with Disabilities, Utah State University

The forum is hosted by HASTAC scholars:

* Allison Hitt: Composition & Cultural Rhetoric, Syracuse University
* Meryl Alper: Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, University of Southern California
* Melissa Helquist: Technical Communication and Rhetoric, Texas Tech University
* Stephanie Rosen: Department of English, University of Texas at Austin

We hope you can join us! http://hastac.org/forums/disability-moving-beyond-access-academy