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Re: Strike-through Text
From: Jukka K. Korpela
Date: Mar 28, 2013 2:46AM
- Next message: Mohit Rajan Verma: "Re: Strike-through Text"
- Previous message: Detlev Fischer: "Re: Strike-through Text"
- Next message in Thread: Mohit Rajan Verma: "Re: Strike-through Text"
- Previous message in Thread: Detlev Fischer: "Re: Strike-through Text"
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2013-03-28 9:30, Detlev Fischer wrote:
> Just checked NVDA. here, you can make it annonce <del> and <ins> but
> not semantically, just presentationally. Checking "Report font
> attributes" in Preferences / Document formatting, it will announce
> <del> as strikethrough and <ins> as underline.
Since the option name refers to "font attributes", I presume it also
applies to <s>, <strike>, and <u> as well as to any text for which
overstriking or underlining has been set in CSS. Right? Does the latter
mean that links, too, will be announced as underlined.
> Which I guess is
> better than nothing as you will often know that you are going to look
> at a document with changes, and can explicitly turn on an output
> option that may otherwise be annoying.
I guess so, but from an authoring point of view, it is rather
insufficient. If we think that uttering "strikethrough" before some text
(without indicating where it ends) is sufficient, then I guess the CSS
approach that I outlined in an earlier message could be used as
simplified. That is, simply using del:before { content: "deleted"; } -
though the user may have difficulties in distinguishing this from an
occurrence of the word "deleted" in the text. Maybe an alternate voice
could be asked for in CSS for the generated content?
- Next message: Mohit Rajan Verma: "Re: Strike-through Text"
- Previous message: Detlev Fischer: "Re: Strike-through Text"
- Next message in Thread: Mohit Rajan Verma: "Re: Strike-through Text"
- Previous message in Thread: Detlev Fischer: "Re: Strike-through Text"
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