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Re: Strike-through Text
From: Kevan Mander
Date: Mar 28, 2013 6:25AM
- Next message: Karla Kmetz: "Re: Captioning Compliance"
- Previous message: Mohit Rajan Verma: "Re: Strike-through Text"
- Next message in Thread: Morin, Gary (NIH/OD) [E]: "Re: Redacted Text (was Strike-through Text)"
- Previous message in Thread: Mohit Rajan Verma: "Re: Strike-through Text"
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One of the things that I found when working on a document that had a lot of <ins> and <del>s is there was no announcement in JAWS of when the inserted or deleted matter ended and normal text resumed.
Eventually we settled for a span announcing the start and end of the insertions and deletions.
- Next message: Karla Kmetz: "Re: Captioning Compliance"
- Previous message: Mohit Rajan Verma: "Re: Strike-through Text"
- Next message in Thread: Morin, Gary (NIH/OD) [E]: "Re: Redacted Text (was Strike-through Text)"
- Previous message in Thread: Mohit Rajan Verma: "Re: Strike-through Text"
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