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Re: insight re Android accessibility from a blind user


From: Subhash Chhetri
Date: Apr 8, 2013 10:04PM

Hi Guys,
I have also recently started using Samsung gt-b5330 that has qwerty keypad
and have android 4.0.
Initially, It was a bit problematic for me to understand its functionality,
but now I find myself much comfortable.
Only concern is that As I experienced talkback has very minimum support
specially for reading a document.

But onething, using touch UI definitely lowers one's (visually impaired)
performance with device, because one cannot use it as free as a sighted
person do. ?Sometimes, it also happens U want to click on send button
unintentionally cancel button is clicked.
Overall it requires more concentration.

Best regards,
Subhash Chhetri