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Responsive navigation menu
From: Jan Heck
Date: Apr 11, 2013 10:00PM
- Next message: James Bailey: "Concise videos on accessible web coding?"
- Previous message: Hoger, Jodie: "Re: what is perceived when using Forms Mode"
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Hi, everyone.
I'm trying to evaluate whether the responsive navigation solution at
http://lukaszfiszer.github.io/selectnav.js/ is accessible. It takes a
regular HTML unordered list used for navigation and converts it to a drop
down menu at smaller screen widths. Since I'm not a Javascript expert at
all, I can't tell exactly what it's doing. I AM able to tab to the drop
down at smaller screen sizes and navigate it with the up and down arrows,
so it seems keyboard-navigable to me. But I have no idea how a
screenreader would handle it or if there are other accessibility red
If anybody's willing to give it a quick look, I'd really appreciate your
Thanks very much,
Jan Heck
- Next message: James Bailey: "Concise videos on accessible web coding?"
- Previous message: Hoger, Jodie: "Re: what is perceived when using Forms Mode"
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