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Error messages in an application
From: Stanzel, Susan - FSA, Kansas City, MO
Date: Apr 15, 2013 12:40PM
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I am working on proper error messages for an application. The instructions say the error message is supposed to be displayed at the top of the page when the user enters something incorrectly. I did not write the original coding. It is in a Java Server Page. When there is an error JAWS does not say the error. I have to go to the top of the page to find out if something is wrong. How can the coding be done so JAWS or any other screen reader automatically speaks the text?
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- Next message: Jim Allan: "Re: IE doesn't increase font-size in px"
- Previous message: Detlev Fischer: "Re: IE doesn't increase font-size in px"
- Next message in Thread: Corbett, James: "Re: Error messages in an application"
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