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Re: Best way to hide headings from visual users while keeping them in the outline
From: Jared Smith
Date: Apr 22, 2013 8:38AM
- Next message: Dave Merrill: "Re: Best way to hide headings from visual users while keeping them in the outline"
- Previous message: Rabab Gomaa: "Fwd: Table captions using span and css class wb-invisible from the template"
- Next message in Thread: Dave Merrill: "Re: Best way to hide headings from visual users while keeping them in the outline"
- Previous message in Thread: Dave Merrill: "Best way to hide headings from visual users while keeping them in the outline"
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This provides a pretty good summary of the techniques. There is also a
newer CSS clip technique that is being used that works similar to
off-screen content. The key is that display:none or visibility:hidden
will (usually) hide content from all users, including screen reader
It doesn't matter if the styles are applied directly (inline) or via a class.
- Next message: Dave Merrill: "Re: Best way to hide headings from visual users while keeping them in the outline"
- Previous message: Rabab Gomaa: "Fwd: Table captions using span and css class wb-invisible from the template"
- Next message in Thread: Dave Merrill: "Re: Best way to hide headings from visual users while keeping them in the outline"
- Previous message in Thread: Dave Merrill: "Best way to hide headings from visual users while keeping them in the outline"
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