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Re: jQuery Calendar Control
From: Bryan Garaventa
Date: Apr 30, 2013 4:10PM
- Next message: Lucy Greco: "query Calendar Control"
- Previous message: Angela French: "Re: jQuery Calendar Control"
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If a date picker is provided, it should be equally accessible. The reason
being, that it's not always easy to pick a specific date weeks or months in
the future accurately simply by typing it into an edit field, especially if
you need to know what day of the week is being referenced for instance.
Once I was able to trigger the calendar on your test site, the construct
looks good to me, it's just a matter of making the triggering element
accessible and ensuring that you can invoke everything from the keyboard.
If I may ask, what difficulties did you have on the bootstrap calendar? I
just tried it out, and everything appears to be working correctly. E.G After
activating the calendar icon, the Up/Down/Left/Right keys will switch dates,
PageUp/PageDown will switch months, and Alt+PageUp/Alt+PageDown will switch
----- Original Message -----
From: "Angela French" < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
To: "WebAIM Discussion List" < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: [WebAIM] jQuery Calendar Control
> Bryan, I am sighted and mouse-dependent. I tried to use the keyboard on
> your calendar and couldn't navigate around it. Perhaps I'm just too
> clumsy with a keyboard, but it begs the question, would most users just
> rather type in the date if they are provided the correct format in the
> <label> tag?
> Angela French
- Next message: Lucy Greco: "query Calendar Control"
- Previous message: Angela French: "Re: jQuery Calendar Control"
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- Previous message in Thread: Angela French: "Re: jQuery Calendar Control"
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