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Re: Script fonts within a graphic and 508 compliance


From: Ryan E. Benson
Date: May 3, 2013 9:46AM

Technically there is no Section 508 Standard that restricts fonts. However
some agencies restrict fonts for other reasons. For example the Impact font
pushes characters close together, so it might be hard for people with
learning disabilities. Other fonts may not magnify nicely with screen
magnifiers, like ZoomText. Normally font restrictions are geared toward
main content, and navigational areas. Would I label a site non-compliant if
I was evaluating it (I work somewhere where we have restricted fonts)? No,
but I would just denote it, and probably recommend changing it next time
you do a major/template update.

I would recommend talking to your Section 508 Coordinator if you have one.

Ryan E. Benson

On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 11:21 AM, Strange, Lainie
< <EMAIL REMOVED> >wrote:

> Hello all - I am working on researching a website complaint for a site I
> maintain. They are asking that we remove a script-style font that is part
> of a tagline of a logo.
> The above is part of our header throughout the site. The header includes
> the site name in high-contrast block letters and then the agency logo to
> the right of it - this logo includes the script font tagline underneath
> it. The user is stating that because the font is in script, it is not 508
> compliant.
> The entire header graphic (agency name/logo/tagline) includes alternative
> text.
> I've been digging and can't really seem to find anything in Section 508
> that directs me to say this is non-compliant. I know their complaint is
> probably directed more towards low-vision users. Can anyone provide some
> assistance/insight?
> Thanks!
> Lainie Strange
> > > >