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Re: how to get acronyms to not read as words in an alt attribute


From: Olaf Drümmer
Date: May 8, 2013 12:00PM

Once you get into social media, jargon, crowd created content, txtng etc. - it's becoming pointless altogether to ask for semantically suitable coding/tagging of text. Admittedly some folks SHOUT all the time. It's up2u how you handle it but I recommend rather invest in more relevant accessibility aspects.

These details can more easily be handled by Text to speech algorithms that take into account dictionaries etc. - and such smarter TTS stuff is coming... So it's becoming less and less of an issue to do dances around this kind of stuff. For now, make AT use better heuristics and user configurable settings, and then over time software will become smarter and know the difference between "AT" and "@" and "at" also make it understandable...
