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Re: how to get acronyms to not read as words in an altattribute
From: Olaf Drümmer
Date: May 8, 2013 12:32PM
- Next message: Angela French: "Re: how to get acronyms to not read as words in an altattribute"
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- Next message in Thread: Angela French: "Re: how to get acronyms to not read as words in an altattribute"
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Regarding emoticons - they can be easily recognized by a software and pronounced accordingly, cf. the following two emoticon related articles on Wikipedia:
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emoticons
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_emoticons
If you want to go one step further you could turn the punctuation sequence into a Unicode codepoint (or software could do it for you), and then a screenreader could read it out accordingly.
Of course, once done with smileys, you could look at ASCII (not A S C I I ! ;-) ) art at large....
Am 8 May 2013 um 20:12 schrieb Angela French:
>> A sequence of uppercase characters (especially a short sequence) hardly ever is
>> to be spoken out as a word (though this does also happen) but as a sequence of
>> separately pronounced characters.
>> Whether GED or USA or GB or UN or HTML or NVDA ...
>> Olaf
> I think I'll quit worrying about this one. I guess NVDA is just going to pronounce it as a word and not as individual letters.
> So how does a screen reader read smiley face notation? :-)
> Angela French
> > >
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- Next message in Thread: Angela French: "Re: how to get acronyms to not read as words in an altattribute"
- Previous message in Thread: Jared Smith: "Re: how to get acronyms to not read as words in an alt attribute"
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