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Re: how to get acronyms to not read as words in an alt attribute


From: Jennifer Sutton
Date: May 8, 2013 12:37PM

Plus another million times "yes" this from me, a screen reader user.

This seems to me yet another example of people worrying *far* too
much about how a screen reader sounds. Users *do* have some
responsibility in the accessibility equation.

And there are *so* many other more important accessibility issues . . .


At 11:23 AM 5/8/2013, you wrote:
> > G<span class="offscreen">&nbsp;</span>E<span
> > class="offscreen">&nbsp;</span>D
>No, no, no!
> > alt="G E D Verify"
> > Or you might try alt="G. E. D. Verify"
>For the love of all that's good and holy... please no!
> > I believe this is a problem that should be solved by text-to-speech
> > features in screen readers and other such tools, not by doing
> > dances in markup or tagging.
>Yes! This! A million times this!
>That's all I have to say about this.