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Re: how to get acronyms to not read as words in analtattribute
From: Tim Harshbarger
Date: May 8, 2013 2:47PM
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- Next message in Thread: Birkir R. Gunnarsson: "Re: how to get acronyms to not read as words in an altattribute"
- Previous message in Thread: Olaf Drümmer: "Re: how to get acronyms to not read as words in an altattribute"
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If you are not use to listening to a screen reader all day, how it pronounces some words can be a surprise. However, one thing to remember is that when you do spend all the time listening to a screen reader, you become use to those odd pronunciations. The only time acronyms and abbreviations are a problem is when you don't know what in the world they mean.
An interesting side fact is that, if you listen carefully to someone who uses a screen reader all the time, you can sometimes hear them using the same odd pronunciations that their screen readers do. I've done that a few times. In fact, I've got into the habit of altering the pronunciation of people's names in the screen readers dictionary because I have caught myself pronouncing their name the way the screen reader does without thinking--and of course they have no clue who I am talking about.
- Next message: Angela French: "Re: help understanding color contrast"
- Previous message: Carol E Wheeler: "Re: Importnance of search over contact information?"
- Next message in Thread: Birkir R. Gunnarsson: "Re: how to get acronyms to not read as words in an altattribute"
- Previous message in Thread: Olaf Drümmer: "Re: how to get acronyms to not read as words in an altattribute"
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