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Re: ARIA difficult for non-screenreader users?


From: Alastair Campbell
Date: May 13, 2013 9:33AM

Alastair Campbell wrote:

> "It is worse for people using Voice Recognition, because they would say
> something like "click tab 2", which would not be a selectable link.."

Léonie Watson wrote:

> Out of curiosity, what happened then? Did they figure it out or give up?

They gave up (I'm using "they" in the gender neutral sense, I'm thinking of
a specific testing session with a VR user). They could tell they were
saying the right thing (i.e. Dragon picked up the right phrase), but
assumed it was broken because the unselected-tab would not activate.

I believe Dragon needs the tab to be selectable, and possibly needs it to
be a real link as well, neither of which are required/recommended in WAI
ARIA. We also saw similar results for keyboard users, it appeared broken so
they (plural) gave up.

NB: I think (but haven't tested) that the example I created would work with
Dragon, and it seems to work with screen readers ok as well.

