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Re: role="alert" not being read by NVDA
From: Angela French
Date: May 16, 2013 9:03AM
- Next message: Susan Grossman: "Re: Another example of role="alert" not being read by NVDA"
- Previous message: Angela French: "Re: Another example of role="alert" not being read by NVDA"
- Next message in Thread: Susan Grossman: "Re: Another example of role="alert" not being read by NVDA"
- Previous message in Thread: Angela French: "Re: Another example of role="alert" not being read by NVDA"
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Firefox 20, IE 9
- Next message: Susan Grossman: "Re: Another example of role="alert" not being read by NVDA"
- Previous message: Angela French: "Re: Another example of role="alert" not being read by NVDA"
- Next message in Thread: Susan Grossman: "Re: Another example of role="alert" not being read by NVDA"
- Previous message in Thread: Angela French: "Re: Another example of role="alert" not being read by NVDA"
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