WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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Re: MS Office 2013 - Accessibility changes ["John E Brandt"}


From: Karlen Communications
Date: May 16, 2013 5:31PM

Select the image.
Press the AppKey or right mouse button.
Choose Format Picture.
Instead of opening the traditional dialog, the Format Object Pane opens to
the right of the document and your focus should be in it.
Press Shift + Tab or click on the icon just above where your focus is/the
Effects tab.
Press the right arrow once to land on the Layout tab.
The tools under the Layout icon are Text box and Alt Text.
Use the Down arrow to land on Alt Text and then press the Spacebar or if you
are using the mouse, click on alt Text.
The Title and Description edit areas are now visible and you can Tab to them
and add either.
When you are finished, press Shift + F6 to move back to the document.
The Format Object Pane will remain open until you close it. As you click on
or put focus on other images, the Alt Text areas will be blank. Press F6 to
move back into the pane and add the Alt Text.

You can close the pane by pressing Ctrl + Spacebar then C for close. Of
course if you are mouse dependent, you can do all of this by clicking.

Cheers, Karen