There are a couple of settings in the browse mode settings that might
help if you uncheck them.
1. Press NVDA + N to go into NVDA"s menu.
2. Arrow down till you get to the preferences sub menu and enter this
3. Arrow to the browse mode settings or use the mouse to click on it.
4. Once in this dialog, look for the two preferences relating to
automatic focus mode and uncheck them.
This should help.
Greg Wocher
Follow me on Twitter @GWocher
On 5/17/2013 12:28 PM, Angela French wrote:
> I am trying to test with NVDA. When I come to a page with text on a page that precedes a form, the focus goes right into the first form element missing the instructions that are on the page. Does NVDA go into some sort of forms mode by default when it sees a form on the page? Is there a way to have it not do that?
> Angela French
> Internet Specialist
> State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
> 360-704-4316
> http://www.checkoutacollege.com/
> http://www.sbctc.edu
> > > >