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Re: Setting up a lab?
From: tklm
Date: Aug 3, 2001 5:22AM
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Paul wrote:
> Does anyone know if IBM Home Page Reader is very
> > widely used?
> The numbers are quite low compared to Jaws, but the numbers are rising. In
> general, Home Page Reader (HPR) handles Web pages better than Jaws, in my
> opinion. The drawback of HPR is that it is only for Web content, so people
> who use it would have to switch between their main screen reader and HPR.
> don't have any exact numbers of usage statistics, but HPR is _definitely_
> something that I would want to have in a lab.
I've been trying out HPR, and found it a little quirky in the order it reads
elements with title attributes. Also, this morning it refused to connect to
any web sites, even then my non-HPR browser window using exactly the same
connection was finding them (not from cache either). I haven't investigated
the cause.
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- Previous message in Thread: Paul Bohman: "Re: Setting up a lab?"
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