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help making a hard choice


From: Lucy Greco
Date: Jun 2, 2013 7:24PM

I have to pick between two produces that as far as I am conserved have
serious access problems. These are two specific survey tools for a
specific kind of survey. I can't say much more about the product. But the
lesser of the two produces when I tab through the page it does not read
the questions. However if I move with arrow keys I can find a question
and then move to the buttons below the questions in order as long as I
remember the direction I would say its ok. However that product has so
many other drawbacks that makes it all-around a bad product for what we
The other product is perfect for what we need but has so much crap on the
screen it takes a lot of will power to get through it. they have about 10
skip links allow on the page witch were well intentioned but far to over
kill for example on a page with only one question it has a skip to
question and a skip to answer link. Both at the top with a bunch of other
stuff like error reporting links even without errors. The other problem
with the over kill is that when you have a ranking set of questions in a
table again it is over verbose a screen reader user needs to move
through the table with aero keys only because otherwise you miss the
questions completely but you then get each chose as two key strokes and
read twice. So it reads
Q chose 1 chose one radio button chose 2 chose 2 radio button and so on
with two key strokes per answer.
The other one that is not so good also has the problem of not telling you
witch choice you made. How can I chose between these two products. Oh
and it's an RFP so I can't ask one of them if they can fix it before I
make the choice. Any help would be more then welcome urgently Lucy

Web Access Analyst
IST-Campus Technology Services
University of California, Berkeley
(510) 289-6008 skype: lucia1-greco
Follow me on twitter @accessaces