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Re: summary or caption


From: Jonathan Metz
Date: Jun 7, 2013 12:21PM

I¹m going to try to avoid the urge to wax on about the silliness of
calling something ³reverse" discrimination. :)

Only screen reader users should benefit from some content because that is
the intended audience. Users who do not require AT do not require the
benefits of them (arguably).

There are plenty of things we hide from users when coding. By your logic,
are we also at risk for being sued by users who can¹t see comments in
HTML, which are intended for other web designers? Or worse, when it¹s in
the CSS which require you to locate and access those pages?

In my opinion, if a tag has been deprecated there is probably a reason, so
unless you are aiming your content for a desired audience that uses
technology that still uses that tag, I would just omit it altogether.

That¹s just my reasoning. I wouldn¹t be too worried about getting sued by
someone who¹s case would most likely get thrown out of court.


On 6/7/13 1:54 PM, "Don Mauck" < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:

>Yes, of course I never said not to have table captions as well, benefits
>all then.