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Re: A better PDF editor for accessibility?


From: TX Knight
Date: Jun 12, 2013 9:01AM

> The only other tool I am aware of to edit the tags in a tagged PDF is
"CommonLook PDF" from
> NetCentric (cf. http://www.commonlook.com/CommonLook-PDF ). I have used
it only briefly
> (so I can't comment how useful it is for real work), but it does not seem
to suffer from the
> Acrobat Pro problems mention (which are a well known limitation of
Acrobat Pro).

> ~Olaf Drümmer”

Thanks Olaf. I’ll look into it.

>Almost certainly, because you were making adjustments using the Touch Up
Reading Order
> Tool (TUROT) after having made changes using the Tags panel…


> ~Duff Johnson”

Technically, no. At least in the instance I am remembering, TUROT was open
so I could visually see the order. But all of the adjustments were being
done via the RO panel.

> Yes, that happens in the RO panel. Adjusting the sequence in the panel
often causes one
> element to become hidden behind another. Solution: find the hidden item
in the RO's
> panel on the left, and drag-and-drop it before the item that's hiding it.


>~Bevi Chagnon”

Interesting. I'll give that a try next time.

Thanks all!
