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Re: Accessible PDF Forms


From: Chagnon | PubCom
Date: Jul 8, 2013 9:30AM

Olaf, thanks for such a clear and concise categorization of PDF forms!
Options 1 and 2 are what I need to focus on.
This is for a variety of forms from different government agencies. For the
most part they are static paper-like forms, and they can have any of the

1. All of the regular PDF form fields, including drop-down lists, radio
buttons, and check boxes.
2. Buttons to reset, print, submit, and save the PDF.
3. Fields that automatically calculate a sum.
4. The PDF digital signature field.
5. Only minimal validation of field data (numbers, decimal places, date
formats, zip codes, phone numbers) but not testing whether it's a working
email address or correct ZIP code.

I've leaving out JavaScript, XFA, and other technologies for another day.

Also looking for guidelines on the design of government forms, such as:

5. Where visible field labels should appear, before, after, above, left,
right of the field.

6. Hierarchy of nested fields. Example:
(parent field checkbox) Yes, I am a student.
(child field checkbox) Full-time.
(child field checkbox) Part-time.

7. How to reduce redundant information voiced by screen readers. Example: 3
radio button choices for type of business.
The visible label for the radio button group reads "Select one
federal tax type."
3 button choices follow, each with its visible label, "Corporation,"
"Sole Proprietorship," "Individual."
The guidance I've found so far recommends that the information in
visible labels should be repeated in the form fields' tooltip settings, so
in this example, "Select one federal tax type" would be repeated for all 3
radio buttons.

This produces the following effect:
If reading the PDF from top to bottom (not tabbing from field to field),
it's voiced: Select one federal tax type. Select one federal tax type.
Corporation. Select one federal tax type. Sole Proprietorship. Select one
federal tax type. Individual.
If tabbing from field to field, the visible labels (and visible
instructions) are skipped, only the tool tips and value choices are voiced:
Select one federal tax type. Corporation. Select one federal tax type. Sole
Proprietorship. Select one federal tax type. Individual.

Long list, and I apologize.

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