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Facebook accessibility
From: Vy Pham
Date: Jul 19, 2013 10:10AM
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I was helping a
friend of mine, who lives outside of US to create a Facebook account.
My friend was able to login to the account that I created for a couple
of days. I think since I created this account from the US. The
Facebook system recognized this account as suspicious. Now enable for
my friend to be able to log back in to the Facebook. He has to go
through some secure verifications. The first part is to pass the
CAPCHA of which can be done pretty easily by using Webvisum and
Firefox. The next part is actually a real challange. He has to
identify the pictures of some friends that he had added on his
Facebook in the last
couple of days. Of course since both of us are blind, there is no way
for us to complete this task. I did e-mail somebody in the
Facebook Accessibility Team. The person replied back asking for my
friend's user name so they could unblock the account. I e-mailed them
back with the info. Since then, I have not heard back from anybody
from Facebook. Someone suggested that I should try to post the
question on the Accessibility Page for Facebook. I did try to post to
their wall, after clicking on the post button, I got a message saying
"The page could not be found".
Do you have any ideas how I might be able to solve this problem?
Can something be done to get Face to improve the accessibility? I just
learned today that some other of my friends are experiencing the same
- Next message: Tania: "Need accessible J Query apps recommendation"
- Previous message: deborah.kaplan@suberic.net: "Re: high-volume PDF and Word doc remediation"
- Next message in Thread: ckrugman@sbcglobal.net: "Re: Facebook accessibility"
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