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Re: Facebook App gesture interfering with IOS gesture
From: Paul J. Adam
Date: Jul 31, 2013 9:52AM
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Apple recommends implementing the Magic Tap gesture to improve the accessibility of your app to VO users. In the camera app a 2 finger double tap takes a picture, the most important functionality of that specific app.
Since commenting, liking, & sharing are the most important or often used actions in the FB app then they are following Apple's accessibility guidelines.
Magic Tap
The purpose of the Magic Tap gesture is to quickly perform an often-used or most-intended action. For example, in the Phone app, it picks up or hangs up a phone call. In the Clock app, it starts and stops the stopwatch. If you want an action to fire from a gesture regardless of the view the VoiceOver cursor is on, you should implement the accessibilityPerformMagicTap method in your view controller.
Note: If you’d like the Magic Tap gesture to perform the same action from anywhere within your app, it is more appropriate to implement theaccessibilityPerformMagicTap method in your app delegate.
- (BOOL)accessibilityPerformMagicTap
■ Control what happens when user does two-finger double-tap
Implement accessibilityPerformMagicTap on an element, or the application, in order to provide a context-sensitive action.
For example, a music player can implement this to start and stop playback, or a recording app could start and stop recording.
Return YES to indicate that the action was handled.
default == NO
- (BOOL)accessibilityPerformMagicTap NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(6_0);
Paul J. Adam
Accessibility Evangelist
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