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Re: building accessible javascript accordions?
From: Paul J. Adam
Date: Aug 1, 2013 9:30AM
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There's no WCAG requirement that says you have to follow certain keyboard interactions for your ARIA widgets right?
What's required is full keyboard control and updating the state. So as long as a user can focus on the UI element that controls the expanding/collapsing content and as long as you update the state of that element using whatever method you like, visually hidden text or aria-expanded, then you've met WCAG.
If the NVDA user does not need to be in forms mode then they can ESCape it.
Paul J. Adam
Accessibility Evangelist
On Aug 1, 2013, at 9:19 AM, Alastair Campbell < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Paul J. Adam wrote:
>> Role=application should likely be avoided.
> Yep, I took it off for the example I was testing with.
>> NVDA can manually ESCape from forms mode using the ESC key.
> Yes (and I'm used to the sound effects for that now!), but even
> without a role of application, it enters forms mode if you tab to an
> accordion-heading. Then everything changes.
>> Really all you need is aria-expanded=true/false.
> Perhaps, but then you wouldn't be following the authoring practices
> which dictate the actions for the arrow and tab keys.
> -Alastair
> > >
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