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Re: building accessible javascript accordions?
From: Alastair Campbell
Date: Aug 2, 2013 4:42PM
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Wow, thanks Bryan.
Did I manage to stumble into the worst case straight off, or are there
plenty more?? ;-)
I've been in user-research land for a couple of years but I'm getting
stuck into the docs again now, I'll be sure to keep AccDC TSG to hand
as I do.
When you say testing, do you mean UAT style "does it work as
expected", and/or regular users trying tasks?
Both are useful, I'm just trying to gauge where the core interaction
issues might be, separately from the confusion for developers.
Kind regards,
- Next message: Rakesh List: "Re: Facebook App gesture interfering with IOS gesture"
- Previous message: Bryan Garaventa: "Re: building accessible javascript accordions?"
- Next message in Thread: Bryan Garaventa: "Re: building accessible javascript accordions?"
- Previous message in Thread: Bryan Garaventa: "Re: building accessible javascript accordions?"
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